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Dream Big!

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When I was a young girl, my mom went on a trip and brought me back a toy. We didn't get toys all of the time, so I was waiting in anticipation. She came home with a VW Beetle!

From there, I started collecting toy bugs and decided that I would one day own one. No one believed me, but I shopped online and looked around from the age of 12, just dreaming.

One day, I opened an ad and knew that I had found my Bug. My step-dad and I went to look at it, and a few days later it was on the way to my home. I had never driven a standard in my life, but I bought my dream car!

I have owned Frankenvolks for 4 years and I love him! I have just now hit restoration mode.

This car has taught me independence and patience, and I that I too can work on a car. Frankenvolks offers a continuous adventure and a reminder that dreams can come true!

Dream Big! Dream Big!